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What DOES It Take To Go Viral With Your Travel Content

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What DOES It Take To Go Viral With Your Travel Content

On your way to becoming a travel influencer?

Did you know you already have an advantage?

Travel content has the advantage of naturally engaging viewers through the allure of new destinations, cultures, experiences and so much more. The idea is to combine the best of your travel content with techniques that will increase your chances of going viral.

As an example, content that goes viral on short-form video platforms typically shares several characteristics. This makes the video highly shareable and engaging to a broad audience, which is the perfect recipe for viral level content.

Now, while there's no guaranteed formula for virality, content that tends to go viral often includes the following.

viral videos for travel agent marketing

But remember, when you are in destination, you already have an advantage. High-quality, visually appealing footage that showcases breathtaking landscapes, unique local experiences, or hidden gems captures attention and is more likely to be shared.

1. It's Highly Relatable:

  • Content that viewers can see themselves in or that speaks to common experiences tends to resonate more, prompting shares and discussions.


Creating content that viewers can relate to not only enhances engagement but also establishes you as a go-to source for travel advice and inspiration. By sharing real experiences, practical tips, and genuine insights, you can connect with your audience on a personal level, encouraging shares, discussions, and ultimately attracting more clients to you.

"Travel Hacks and Tips" Videos

  • Share practical travel tips and hacks that you've learned from your own experiences or professional knowledge. For instance, how to pack efficiently, avoid common tourist traps, or navigate airport security quickly. Such tips are universally valuable to travelers and can prompt viewers to share with friends and family planning trips.

"Budget Travel" Series

  • Produce videos focusing on how to travel on a budget. Highlight destinations that offer great value, tips for finding affordable accommodation, and how to enjoy local experiences without breaking the bank. Budget travel is a popular topic that can appeal to a wide audience.

"Mistakes I Made" Storytime

  • Share personal stories or anecdotes about travel mistakes and what you learned from them. Viewers can relate to the vulnerability of making mistakes and appreciate the lessons learned, making this content both engaging and educational.

"Local Cuisine Tasting" Adventures

  • Food is a universal language. Create videos where you explore local cuisines of different destinations, highlighting unique dishes and where to find them. This can inspire viewers to experience new cultures through their taste buds.

"Day in the Life" at Various Destinations

  • Show what a typical day looks like in different cities or countries, including local customs, lifestyle, and activities. This gives viewers a realistic glimpse into life in various parts of the world, making the travel experience more tangible and relatable.

"Cultural Etiquette" Guides

  • Educate viewers on the dos and don’ts when visiting specific countries. Understanding cultural etiquette is crucial, and many travelers look for this information before visiting new places to avoid faux pas.

"Solo Travel" Experiences

  • Highlight the joys and challenges of solo travel. Share tips for staying safe, making friends, and enjoying the solitude. Solo travel content can resonate with viewers looking to embark on personal journeys.

"Traveling with Kids/Family" Guides

  • Offer advice for families traveling with children, including kid-friendly destinations, packing essentials, and navigating travel logistics with a larger group. Many families look for this type of content to ease the stress of planning trips.

"Overcoming Travel Fears" Stories

  • Discuss common travel fears and how to overcome them, whether it's fear of flying, language barriers, or getting lost. Sharing personal stories or testimonials can inspire and encourage viewers to face their travel anxieties.

"Destination Comparison" Videos

  • Compare popular travel destinations, offering insights on the best times to visit, what each place offers, and for whom each destination might be best suited. This can help viewers make informed decisions about their next trip.

2. Emotionally Charged:

  • Videos that evoke strong emotions, whether joy, surprise, humor, or even outrage, are more likely to be shared. Emotional engagement is a key driver of virality.

3. Trend Participation:

  • Jumping on trending topics, challenges, and hashtags can propel content to viral status, as it taps into the current collective interest of the platform's user base.
viral videos for travel agent marketing

4. Unique or Unexpected Twists:

  • Content that offers a unique take on a popular theme or surprises viewers with an unexpected twist tends to capture attention and encourage shares.

5. High-Quality and Well-Edited:

  • Despite the short format, quality matters. Well-edited videos with good visuals and clear audio stand out in crowded feeds.

6. Educational and Informative:

  • “Infotainment” content that educates while entertaining has high viral potential, especially if it succinctly explains a complex topic or reveals surprising facts.

7. Inspirational and Aspirational:

  • Content that inspires viewers or showcases aspirational lifestyles and achievements can motivate sharing, as viewers want to spread positivity and motivation.

8. Participatory Content:

  • Videos that encourage viewer participation, such as challenges, duets, and responses, inherently promote sharing and interaction, increasing their viral potential.
viral videos for travel agent marketing

9. Meme-able and Humorous:

  • Content that is easily meme-able or humorously comments on societal norms and pop culture often goes viral due to its entertaining nature and shareability.

10. Utilizing Platform Features:

  • Creatively using platform-specific features (like filters, effects, and music) can enhance content appeal, making it more likely to be featured or shared.

11. Niche Content:

  • Interestingly, niche content can also go viral within certain communities, especially if it deeply resonates or fills a gap within that niche.

12. Celebrity or Influencer Involvement:

  • Content featuring or endorsed by celebrities and influencers can quickly go viral, leveraging the individual's existing fan base for initial visibility.
viral videos for travel agent marketing

13. Interactive and Engaging:

  • Content that directly engages the audience by asking questions, encouraging comments, or invoking viewer opinions tends to increase interaction rates and potential virality.

14. Timing and Context:

  • Timeliness matters; content that aligns with current events, holidays, or cultural moments has a greater chance of capturing the zeitgeist and going viral.

Viral content often blends several of these elements, striking a chord with viewers and prompting them to share with their networks. However, trends and platform algorithms change, so what goes viral can vary over time. Continuously experimenting with content and staying attuned to platform dynamics are key strategies for achieving virality on short-form video platforms.

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